Friday, January 23, 2009

Inside the sausage factory

Based on a conversation at work, I just got done re-reading Jamie Zawinski's article on webcasting legally. It's one of those situations where I think I might just be happier not knowing the details, because knowing how it works just makes me mad, and there ain't a whole lot I can do about it. Here's a teaser:

Someone said to me, "how do they [the RIAA] expect the little guys to survive?'' I replied, "No Mister Bond, I expect you to die.'' They're trying to legislate webcasting out of existence, because it stands in the way of their progress toward a completely pay-per-view economy. Remember: these are the kind of people who once tried to outlaw the VCR. (That was MPAA, not RIAA, but they're the same snake with different scales.)

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